Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban Advances in SC House

I've been up in Columbia this week and on Tuesday, our community had a tremendous showing in the SC House subcommittee hearing for H.4624 — the anti-transgender healthcare ban bill. 49 of our community members and allies braved severe weather and drove from across the state to testify against this dangerous bill. 1 single person — a staff member of an out-of-state far-right organization — testified virtually in favor of the bill.

Yet, yesterday, the House Medical, Military, and Municipal Affairs committee voted to advance H.4624 along party lines.

Take Action Now:
Contact Your Representative

Tell them to stop this senseless attack on transgender youth in South Carolina! Send a message urging them to vote NO on H.4624.

Thank you to Reps. Wendell Gilliard, Wendell Jones, JA Moore and Marvin Pendarvis, who were steadfast in their vocal support of our community today.

Email your thanks now:

Rep. Wendell Gilliard
Rep. Wendell Jones
Rep. JA Moore
Rep. Marvin Pendarvis

I was one of the nearly 50 people who testified against H.4624. As a transgender man, I’ve never been more ashamed of my state lawmakers – but I’ve also never been more proud of my fellow South Carolinians who are speaking out forcefully to defend transgender youth.

South Carolina is one of the last states in the South where transgender youth can access gender-affirming care – and we need to keep it that way.

Thank you,
Chase Glenn
Executive Director, AFFA Action


Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban Passes Out of SC House


Gender Affirming Care Ban Hearing Scheduled