Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban Passes Out of SC House

Today, AFFA Action Executive Director Chase Glenn, joined other community members, allies, families, and advocates at the State House, to continue to voice our opposition to H. 4624 – the cruel anti-transgender healthcare ban bill.

Even with the incredible opposition to the bill that was voiced by community members last week, the hundreds of messages that have been sent to legislators in the past 5 days, and general public outcry, the SC House of Representatives still voted along party lines to pass H.4624.

The next stop is the Senate. We are waiting now to hear when this bill will be given a hearing in the Senate Medical Affairs Committee.

Take action now. Contact your Senator and tell them to REJECT H.4624.

If you have any questions about this bill or action you can take, please reach out to us at


Tell Your Senator: Reject the Anti-Trans Healthcare Bill


Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban Advances in SC House