Action Alerts

Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Speak Up for LGBTQ+ Youth

Are you passionate about the well-being of children and youth in South Carolina?

This is your opportunity to speak truth to power.

So much of the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that South Carolinians have grappled with in the past few years— and what we anticipate fighting in 2025— has focused on the welfare of children and youth. Many of you have reached out and asked... What can I do?

This is your opportunity to provide information to legislators from the South Carolina House and Senate, as well as key stakeholders who shape many policies that affect the children of South Carolina. Every year, the committee hosts hearings across South Carolina that offer a unique opportunity to influence the policy-making process from start to finish rather than wait until a bill moves through the legislature. 

The Joint Citizens and Legislative Committee on Children is hosting its annual fall hearings. Plan now to attend!  

  • Conway: September 10th: 5:00pm-7:00pm
    Horry Georgetown Technical College, Burroughs & Chapin Auditorium, Building 1100B, 2050 US-501 E, Conway, SC.

  • Columbia: September 17th: 9:00am-12:00pm and 5:00pm-7:00pm
    SC State House Grounds, Gressette Building, Room 105, Columbia, SC.

  • Spartanburg: September 24th: 5:00pm-7:00pm
    USC Upstate, Campus Life Center, Ballroom 310, 800 University Way, Spartanburg, SC.

  • Charleston: October 3rd: 5:00pm-7:00pm
    Charleston County Council Chambers, 4045 Bridge View Dr., North Charleston, SC.

To testify, you will need to sign up in advance. Please email the committee at The hearings will be live-streamed on the State House website. Additionally, written testimony will be accepted until October 4th. If you have any questions about the process or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Take Action on H.4624

H.4624, a bill that would ban gender-affirming care for minors and some adults in the state, is on its way to the Senate floor and we need all hands on deck. If we don't stop this bill in the Senate, it will move to the Governor's desk, and then it's only one signature away from becoming law.

Here's what we need from you today:

  1. Call your Senator using this link from WREN. Enter your address, and you will receive a call explaining the recommended talking points for this bill before being connected to your Senator's office.

  2. Email your Senator using this link. Even if you have already emailed in the past, we need to flood lawmakers' inboxes. Share this link with your loved ones and urge them to take action!

  3. Show up at the State House Tomorrow— Fill out this form from SC United for Justice and Equality to let their Organizing Team know that you're interested in coming in-person! A vote on this bill will likely happen this week.

NOTE: Even if your Senator is not a Republican, we urge you to contact them. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are being pushed to support this bill, and we need you to make your voice heard.

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

H.4624 to be Taken Up on Senate Floor

This week, the Senate Medical Affairs Committee voted along party lines to advance H.4624, a bill that would ban gender-affirming care for minors and some adults in South Carolina. We are now waiting for the bill to come up on the Senate floor.

We may be waiting, but you can still take action to help stop this bill.

Contact your Senator: Click here to send a message to your Senator and tell them to reject H.4624. Help us reach our goal of sending 500 letters to Senators about this bill!

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

H.4624 Heads to Full Committee on February 29

This week, the Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee voted along party lines to advance H.4624, a bill that would ban gender-affirming care for minors and some adults in South Carolina.

The full committee hearing will be on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 9:00am in Gressette Building Room 209.

This is not the result we wanted, but we are going to keep fighting. Throughout this legislative session, we've had an outpouring of support for our trans siblings and their loved ones. The relationships we're building in our work are vitally important, and we remain hopeful that we can stop this bill. For now, we regroup and move on to the next stage of our fight.

Ways to Take Action:

  1. Contact your Senator: Click here to send a message to your Senator and tell them to reject H.4624. Help us reach our goal of sending 400 letters to Senators about this bill!

  2. Attend the full committee hearing in person next Thursday at 9:00am: There is power in our presence. Let us know if you're planning to show up next Thursday for the committee hearing.

  3. Tune into the live stream on Thursday, February 29, 2024: Not able to attend in person? Click here to view the live stream.

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Senate Subcommittee Hearing on H.4624 on February 14, 2024

We've just received word that the Medical Affairs Subcommittee of the South Carolina Senate has scheduled a hearing for H.4624, a bill proposing a ban on gender-affirming care. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, February 14 at 10:00 am.

If the bill passes the subcommittee, the full Senate Medical Affairs Committee will likely consider it at their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 15th.

3 Ways to Take Action:

  1. Contact your Senator: Click here to send a message to your Senator and tell them to reject H.4624.

  2. Attend Wednesday's Hearing in Person: Show the Senate that we mean business by attending the subcommittee hearing on Wednesday in Room 308 in the Gressette Building (1101 Pendleton Street, Columbia, SC). Sign-ups will be available at the door 30 minutes before the hearing, but the subcommittee will only allow "equal participation from both perspectives," so if only 1 person shows up to speak in favor of the bill, only 1 person may be allowed to speak against it. Reply to this email and let us know if you plan to come so that we can provide support if needed.

  3. Submit Written Testimony: You can submit your input by sending an email to Please use the bill number (H. 4624) in the subject line of your email. All written testimony should be received by noon on Monday.

If you have any questions about this bill or action you can take, please reach out to us at

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Tell Your Senator: Reject the Anti-Trans Healthcare Bill

Don't Give Up Now: Take Action and Tell Your Senator to Reject the Anti-Trans Healthcare Bill

On January 17, 2024, the South Carolina House of Representatives passed H.4624, a bill that would ban gender-affirming care for minors and some adults in the state. If we don't stop this bill in the Senate, it will move to the Governor's desk, and then it's only one signature away from becoming law. Now is the time to tell your Senator: Reject this cruel bill!

Write your Senator now with just a few clicks!

If you have any questions about this bill or action you can take, please reach out to us at

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban Passes Out of SC House

Today, AFFA Action Executive Director Chase Glenn, joined other community members, allies, families, and advocates at the State House, to continue to voice our opposition to H. 4624 – the cruel anti-transgender healthcare ban bill.

Even with the incredible opposition to the bill that was voiced by community members last week, the hundreds of messages that have been sent to legislators in the past 5 days, and general public outcry, the SC House of Representatives still voted along party lines to pass H.4624.

The next stop is the Senate. We are waiting now to hear when this bill will be given a hearing in the Senate Medical Affairs Committee.

Take action now. Contact your Senator and tell them to REJECT H.4624.

If you have any questions about this bill or action you can take, please reach out to us at

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Anti-Transgender Healthcare Ban Advances in SC House

I've been up in Columbia this week and on Tuesday, our community had a tremendous showing in the SC House subcommittee hearing for H.4624 — the anti-transgender healthcare ban bill. 49 of our community members and allies braved severe weather and drove from across the state to testify against this dangerous bill. 1 single person — a staff member of an out-of-state far-right organization — testified virtually in favor of the bill.

Yet, yesterday, the House Medical, Military, and Municipal Affairs committee voted to advance H.4624 along party lines.

Take Action Now:
Contact Your Representative

Tell them to stop this senseless attack on transgender youth in South Carolina! Send a message urging them to vote NO on H.4624.

Thank you to Reps. Wendell Gilliard, Wendell Jones, JA Moore and Marvin Pendarvis, who were steadfast in their vocal support of our community today.

Email your thanks now:

Rep. Wendell Gilliard
Rep. Wendell Jones
Rep. JA Moore
Rep. Marvin Pendarvis

I was one of the nearly 50 people who testified against H.4624. As a transgender man, I’ve never been more ashamed of my state lawmakers – but I’ve also never been more proud of my fellow South Carolinians who are speaking out forcefully to defend transgender youth.

South Carolina is one of the last states in the South where transgender youth can access gender-affirming care – and we need to keep it that way.

Thank you,
Chase Glenn
Executive Director, AFFA Action

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Chase Glenn Chase Glenn

Gender Affirming Care Ban Hearing Scheduled

Gender Affirming Care Ban Hearing Scheduled for Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Medical and Health Affairs Subcommittee of the South Carolina House of Representatives has scheduled a hearing for H.4624, a bill proposing a ban on gender affirming care. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 – i.e. the first day of session.

The supporters of this cruel bill mean business– but so do we! Now is the time. We need you to show up and show your support for our community!

5 Ways to Take Action:

  1. Send a Message to the Medical and Health Affairs Subcommittee Members: Click here to send a message telling them to reject H.4624 and stop attacking medically necessary health care for transgender youth.

  2. Attend the AFFA Action Advocacy Training this Saturday, January 6: Get all of the latest information on this bill, messaging/testimony tips, and how you can get involved and take action this legislative session. Register here. Seating is limited.

  3. Attend Tuesday’s Hearing in Person: The most impactful way to speak out is in person – by attending the subcommittee hearing on Tuesday in Room 427 in the Blatt Building of the South Carolina State House. To do that, you can only sign up in person 30 minutes prior to the hearing. We expect the subcommittee hearing to begin Tuesday afternoon; folks who plan on attending should convene with us at 1:45pm. Reply to this email and let us know if you plan to come, so that we can provide support, if needed.

  4. Sign Up to Testify Virtually: You can provide oral testimony via Microsoft Teams. To sign up, send an email by noon on Friday 1/4 to receive an invitation the day before the meeting. Note that sometimes Teams does not function properly because of tech issues and you may not be able to testify.

  5. Submit Written Testimony: If you cannot attend the meeting virtually or in person, you may submit your testimony opposing H.4624 by writing it out and emailing it to by noon on Friday 1/4.

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